When working with deep learning frameworks like PyTorch, one of the most exciting features is the ability to leverage the power of GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) to speed up computations. If you’re a developer or researcher using PyTorch, knowing how to check if your code is running on a GPU is essential for maximizing performance.

Check if a GPU is available with torch.cuda.is_available(), and use tensor.device to determine where a tensor is located.

This guide will help you confirm that PyTorch is utilizing your GPU efficiently, build your confidence, and make sure your setup is optimized for high performance.

Why Use GPUs With PyTorch?

Before diving into the steps to check if PyTorch is using the GPU, it’s important to understand why this is such a big deal. GPUs are optimized for parallel processing, making them ideal for the massive computations required in training neural networks.

The boost in performance can be the difference between a few hours of training on a CPU versus just minutes or seconds with a GPU. By ensuring PyTorch is using your GPU, you will:

  • Accelerate your model training.
  • Enhance performance in real-time tasks.
  • Unlock more complex neural network designs.

Checking If PyTorch Is Using A GPU:

It’s easy to check whether PyTorch is using your GPU, and we’ll walk through this step-by-step, ensuring you have the confidence to do it on your own.

Checking If PyTorch Is Using A GPU
Source: sstatic

1: Install PyTorch and GPU Drivers

First, you must have PyTorch installed with CUDA support (the parallel computing platform and API model by NVIDIA that allows you to use their GPUs). Make sure you’ve downloaded the right version of PyTorch from the official website: [PyTorch Get Started]

You will also need the proper GPU drivers and CUDA toolkit installed for your GPU to function with PyTorch. Make sure to:

  • Install the correct NVIDIA drivers for your GPU model.
  • Install the CUDA toolkit that matches the version of PyTorch you’re using.

2: Check for CUDA Availability

Once PyTorch is installed, checking whether it can detect the GPU is straightforward. PyTorch provides a simple function torch.cuda.is_available() that you can use to verify if CUDA (and thus, the GPU) is available.

Here’s a snippet of code to do that:

import torch

if torch.cuda.is_available():

  • print(“CUDA is available! PyTorch is using the GPU.”


  • print(“CUDA is not available. PyTorch is using the CPU.”)

This function returns True if a GPU is detected and False otherwise. If CUDA is available, you’re all set to accelerate your PyTorch models with GPU power.

3: Check Which GPU PyTorch is Using

To check which GPU PyTorch is using, especially if you have multiple GPUs, use the following code. By default, PyTorch uses the device with ID 0.”

Check Which GPU PyTorch is Using
Source: pytorch


if torch.cuda.is_available():

  • print(“Using GPU:”, torch.cuda.current_device())
  • print(“GPU Name:”, torch.cuda.get_device_name(torch.cuda.current_device()))


  • print(“No GPU detected. Using CPU.”)

This will display the ID and the name of the GPU PyTorch is currently using.

4: Moving Tensors to GPU

To make sure your model and data are processed on the GPU, you need to explicitly transfer your tensors to the GPU. Here’s how to do it:

device = torch.device(“cuda” if torch.cuda.is_available() else “cpu”)
tensor = torch.randn(3, 3).to(device)
print(f”Tensor is on {tensor.device}”)

This code checks if the GPU is available and moves the tensor to the GPU if it is. You’ll see the output indicating whether the tensor is on the cuda device (GPU) or cpu.

5: Moving Models to GPU

Similarly, models also need to be moved to the GPU for faster computation. Here’s how you can do that:

model = YourModel() # Replace with your actual model
device = torch.device(“cuda” if torch.cuda.is_available() else “cpu”)

By moving both your data and model to the GPU, you ensure that all computations are performed using the GPU, providing a massive speed boost compared to using the CPU.

Common Issues And Solutions:

Sometimes, even after ensuring you’ve followed all the steps, you might still encounter issues.

Common Issues And Solutions
Source: digitaltrends

1. CUDA is not available, but I have a GPU:

Ensure that you have installed the correct NVIDIA drivers. Check if the CUDA toolkit version matches the PyTorch version you installed. Verify that your GPU supports CUDA. Not all GPUs do, so check the specifications.

2. PyTorch is slow despite using GPU:

Ensure that both your model and tensors are explicitly moved to the GPU. Verify the GPU usage using monitoring tools like nvidia-smi to ensure PyTorch is utilizing the GPU.

3. Running on multiple GPUs:

If you have more than one GPU and you want to run your models across multiple GPUs, PyTorch provides easy support for this using DataParallel:

model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model)

Therefore, This will distribute the computation across multiple GPUs, further enhancing performance.


1. How do I know if PyTorch is installed with GPU support?

You can check this by running the command torch.cuda.is_available(). If it returns True, PyTorch is installed with GPU support.

2. Does every GPU work with PyTorch?

No. PyTorch only works with CUDA-enabled GPUs, which are typically from NVIDIA. Ensure your GPU supports CUDA before trying to use it with PyTorch.

3. Can I run PyTorch on multiple GPUs?

Yes! You can use torch.nn.DataParallel to easily distribute computations across multiple GPUs, maximizing performance.

4. Does PyTorch use GPU by default?

No, PyTorch uses the CPU by default. To use the GPU, move tensors or models to it with .cuda() or torch.device('cuda').

5. What should I do if PyTorch isn’t detecting my GPU?

First, check that your GPU drivers and CUDA toolkit are properly installed. You can also use nvidia-smi in your terminal to see if your GPU is recognized by your system.


You can easily check if PyTorch is using your GPU, which is crucial for speeding up computations in machine learning projects. Utilizing a GPU can dramatically improve your performance and help you train more complex models faster.

With just a few lines of code, you can make sure your environment is optimized, leaving you more time to focus on developing breakthrough models. Get excited about the boost in speed and efficiency you’ll experience by leveraging the power of your GPU in PyTorch. Happy coding!