In the world of deep learning, PyTorch stands out as a go-to tool for developers and researchers. Its flexibility, simplicity, and robust GPU support have made it a favorite.

As you start to scale models or process large datasets, utilizing GPU memory efficiently becomes crucial to maintaining high performance without exhausting your system’s resources. One technique to maximize efficiency is using shared GPU memory in PyTorch.

Upgrade your NVIDIA driver to version 536.40 or higher for PyTorch to use shared GPU memory. When your 8GB GPU runs out of memory (e.g., with large models like Stable Diffusion), PyTorch offloads data to shared system memory.

In this article, we’ll walk through how to leverage shared GPU memory in PyTorch, ensuring you get the best out of your hardware. This guide is designed to help both newcomers and experienced developers feel confident in making the most out of PyTorch and their GPUs.

Why Shared GPU Memory Matters?

Deep learning models are resource-intensive, requiring significant GPU power and memory. As model sizes grow, so does the need for efficient memory management. Without proper optimization, you risk running out of memory, leading to program crashes or slow training times.

Shared GPU memory allows your system to extend its GPU memory by sharing it with system RAM, helping you manage larger workloads without compromising performance. By understanding and implementing this technique, you can handle larger models, bigger datasets, and more complex training processes.

Understanding Shared GPU Memory In PyTorch:

PyTorch natively supports GPU acceleration through CUDA. This makes it straightforward to allocate tensors on a GPU using torch.cuda.

Understanding Shared GPU Memory In PyTorch
Source: stackoverflow

However, when you’re running out of dedicated GPU memory, PyTorch can also use part of the system memory as an overflow for data that doesn’t fit directly into the GPU’s memory.

While this doesn’t provide the same speed as running everything on the GPU, it’s a useful way to work with larger datasets or models that would otherwise exceed your GPU’s capabilities. Here’s how it works in practice:

How To Enable And Use Shared GPU Memory in PyTorch?

PyTorch automatically manages memory allocation for you, but there are several techniques you can apply to make sure shared memory is used effectively.

1. Check Available GPU Memory:

Before we dive into sharing GPU memory, it’s important to know how much memory your system currently has available. PyTorch makes this easy with a built-in function:

import torch
print(f”Available GPU memory: {torch.cuda.memory_allocated()} bytes”)

This command returns the amount of memory currently allocated on your GPU. Understanding how much memory is in use can guide decisions about how much of the workload should be transferred to shared memory.

2. Use CUDA for Tensor Allocation:

It’s important to use the .cuda() function when assigning tensors to your GPU. This transfers the data to your GPU, allowing you to take full advantage of the hardware acceleration.


#Example of allocating tensor on GPU

tensor = torch.rand(1000, 1000).cuda()

Once the tensor is on the GPU, operations on it will also take place on the GPU.

3. Use pin_memory for Better Performance:

To optimize memory transfers between your CPU and GPU, use the pin_memory argument. Pinning memory in PyTorch ensures that the data can be transferred directly from CPU to GPU, improving performance.

data = torch.randn(10000, 10000)
pinned_data = data.pin_memory()

By pinning memory, you prepare it for faster transfers when sharing resources between your GPU and system RAM.

4. Shared Memory with torch.cuda.set_per_process_memory_fraction():

Another essential function is setting the memory fraction per process. This allows you to control how much GPU memory PyTorch can use. If you’re working with multiple processes or need to free up memory, this is an effective way to balance resources:

Shared Memory with torch.cuda.set_per_process_memory_fraction()
Source: pytorch


# Limiting memory usage to 50% of the GPU’s total capacity


This method helps you limit how much of the GPU memory PyTorch can allocate, enabling smoother transitions when relying on shared memory.

5. Offloading Tensors to CPU:

When working with large models, offloading certain parts of the model or data to the CPU can prevent memory bottlenecks on your GPU. For example, intermediate results or smaller, less time-sensitive computations can be performed on the CPU:


# Allocate tensor on CPU

cpu_tensor = torch.rand(10000, 10000)

By strategically offloading, you balance the load between the CPU and GPU, keeping memory usage optimized.

Best Practices For Managing Shared Gpu Memory In Pytorch:

Efficient memory management isn’t just about the tools—it’s also about best practices. Here are some expert tips to make sure your PyTorch models run smoothly:

1. Monitor GPU Usage Regularly:

Always be aware of how much GPU memory you’re using, especially as your model or dataset grows. Use tools like nvidia-smi to track memory allocation:


This will give you a detailed breakdown of GPU memory usage, helping you avoid overloads.

2. Use Mixed Precision Training:

Mixed precision training uses lower precision (16-bit floating points instead of 32-bit) to save memory and speed up training. PyTorch’s torch.cuda.amp automatically handles this for you:

Use Mixed Precision Training
Source: paperspace

from torch.cuda.amp import autocast, GradScaler
scaler = GradScaler()
with autocast():

  • output = model(input)
  • loss = criterion(output, target)
  • scaler.scale(loss).backward()
  • scaler.step(optimizer)
  • scaler.update()

This technique reduces memory consumption, allowing you to fit larger models and batches into memory.

3. Free Unused Memory:

PyTorch automatically manages memory, but sometimes manual cleanup is necessary. Use torch.cuda.empty_cache() to free up unused GPU memory:


This is especially helpful when using interactive environments like Jupyter notebooks.


1. What is shared GPU memory in PyTorch?

Shared GPU memory allows PyTorch to use system RAM when the GPU’s memory is full. This enables handling larger models and datasets without running out of GPU memory.

2. How do I check GPU memory usage in PyTorch?

You can check GPU memory usage with torch.cuda.memory_allocated() or use nvidia-smi to get detailed insights on memory consumption.

3. Can shared GPU memory slow down my model?

Yes, using system RAM is slower than using dedicated GPU memory. While shared memory helps handle larger workloads, there is a trade-off in speed. Using techniques like mixed precision training can mitigate this.

4. How do I free GPU memory in PyTorch?

You can free GPU memory manually using torch.cuda.empty_cache(). PyTorch handles memory management automatically, but this command is useful for clearing unused memory when needed.


By leveraging shared GPU memory and implementing best practices for memory management, you can significantly enhance the performance of your PyTorch models.

Whether you’re working on deep learning research or developing cutting-edge applications, mastering these techniques allows you to push the boundaries of what’s possible with your hardware.